Monday, February 20, 2006
PassOver Trials Near Life's End
His Beauty Shown
O’ Lord,
Thy beauty is manifested all around me.
The beauty of a clouded sky,
Like puffs of cotton,
Spread across in lighted splendor.
The beauty of the colored leaves,
I thank you Lord,
That this was meant for me.
I gaze upon the flutterings of wings,
To turn to hear the birds sing of you.
All of creation waits upon Your arrival,
To proclaim the song in their heart,
They’ve held so long now.
I wait, too:
For my first day with you.
Knowing you by my quiet times like this,
Yet seeing you face to face.
Knowing Also that your love for me,
Will show in every word,
In every action that you do.
Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.